четверг, 1 апреля 2010 г.

Сопроводительное письмо.

Плотненько занимаюсь поиском работы, поэтому за истекшие недели процесс написания, адаптации и подгонки сопроводительных писем под каждую вакансию начал несколько утомлять. Поэтому в сегодняшний праздничный день сообразил такой себе креативчик. Форматирование сохранено.

When people want to apply for attractive position, like “Technical project manager at Wunderkind”, they write short letter, covering their best qualities and why, they believe, they are the best for this. Than recruitment manager receives a lot of similar texts where he needs to find candidate's name (in my case – Mr Vladimir Vishnivetsky, for your convenience I made it bold), his expertise (yes, I have been working as project manager for 5 recent years and managed 4 mid-size IT infrastructure projects and 2 mid-size IT applications projects) and matches relevancy of experience with keywords in job ad. Personally, I will not duplicate your ad text, because when I implemented my project from the begin (business idea) to end (take over to business as usual, benefits tracking) according to PMBoK approach I did every relevant element of project life-cycle: stakeholders, identification and mobilisation of resources, analysis, planning, budgeting, appropriate communications to all levels. This is true, I passed relevant PM test recently. Application development projects are good only when they are well structured and discipline executed according to SDLC, like I did in my last 2 projects.

In order to prove that candidate is best for this position everyone refers to his background (what may be better for technical project manager than IT qualification after university and solid IT software development experience, converted to IT team management and IT Project Management? Just to make clear – its all about me) and achievements (italic serves good).

Wait a minute, but formal letter has to be started with greeting! Well, I am informal already and know that the first reader of this letter will be Glen McGrath, so

Dear Glen.

And at the end I think it is good to figure out some facts. So I managed budgets up to $2.5M, had 8 direct subordinates, managed project teams up to 25 members, recent project budget was $495k, I am available for immediate start (but after long Easter weekend of cause) and ready to work under contract or permanently.

Like others, my career supported by references, trainings, certificates, tests and exams. All this matters I summarized hire http://vishnivetsky.blogspot.com/..

Traditionally yours,
Vladimir Vishnivetsky
+614 1256 6881

P.S. As you can see from the above text I have an “outstanding communication skills with an engaging approach and excellent writing skills”.
P.S.2. To avoid doubts, I will come to interview in dark-blue business suit with tie.


5 комментариев:

  1. Я бы пригласил тебя из интереса!! :)
    Аленушка одобряет.

  2. Я хотел сказать "как минимум из интереса" :)

  3. ну это еще зависит от того насколько ты загружен и сколько пришло "нормальных" резюме/писем.


  4. привет,
    ну, расскажи, как сработало? :)

  5. да никак, в общем то, не сработало. Пару недель им названивал - типа процесс идет новостей нет, а на прошлой неделе - у них уже интервью проходят. Вот если вдруг никого не выберут, тогда может быть мы вам сообщим ...
